

Update Time:2024.04.24 Source: Clicks:6

有警车海报的杂志 with police car poster 向身边的一只小狗指示 indicating to a dog beside him 让它叼着断指去找警车 He lets the dog look for police car with broken finger on the mouth 于是便有了开头的那一幕 So the beginning scene is shown 后来男孩的父亲自杀 Later the father commits suicide 哥哥入狱 The elder brother comes into the prison 在这次事故中 Because of this accident 男孩双腿残疾 the boy loses the two legs 终身不能离开轮椅 He can’t leave the rolling chair for whole life 成年后他孑然一身 After grown-up he is alone 却仍把小狗视为自己家人 he regards the dogs as his family 寻到一处破旧厂房 He finds an old factory 他带着孩子们 Leading the puppies 远离人群 they live far away from the people 以此为家 regard the factory as their home 也许是那几年的经历 Maybe passing through several years 让他和狗类也有超出寻常的心灵默契 makes the boy and dogs own extraordinary spiritual understanding 它们能听懂他说的一切 They can understand what the boy says 这是刚上映的电影狗神 This is the film Dog God which was recently released 灵感来自导演吕克贝松 The inspiration comes from the director Luc Besson 读到的一则真实报道 I have read a real report 许多人看过电影后说 after watching the movie many people say 虽然狗神不是任何漫画里的人物 although dog god isn’t any figure from any cartoon 他的故事却像是超级英雄的起源 his story is the origin of super hero 不同于2019年的小丑讲述小恶催生大恶 Different from the story that great evil is generated from small evil in 2019 狗神却有一份来自生命的温柔 the dog god owns a gentle temper from the life 就像导演的另一部电影 Like another movie of this director 这个杀手不太冷一样 The professional 恶之果也可以 the evil also can 化身为善 convert to goodness 男主和狗狗的相处像童话一般 The companion of dogs is like a fairy tale for the boy 他们会一起做蛋糕 They will make cakes together 普通面粉 two flour 我还需要糖霜250克还有无盐黄油 two hundred and fifty grams und salted butter 还要两个大鸡蛋 two large eggs 亲爱的给我拿点糖来 be a Darling confess me some sugar