
Mehul Vithalani |DirectorGopi Knits

What is the market size for partially grey fabrics in Surat? How big is this industry in India?

What is the global market size for this niche? Poplin Cloth For Aari Work

Mehul Vithalani |DirectorGopi Knits

What industries make the use of grey fabrics? What are the latest applications?

Which are your major domestic and export markets for grey fabrics?

What are the challenges facing the Indian grey fabrics industry? How can the government help?

Who are the leading players in this sector, and where do you stand?

What is your USP compared to the other big players?

What are the latest trends in terms of blends, colours, prints, and textures in grey fabrics?

How has the growth been in the last two fiscals, and what are the factors affecting your performance.

What kind of innovations in machinery do fabric manufacturers like you look for?

Do you plan to expand your production capacity or introduce new products? Please share few details about your future plans.

Mehul Vithalani |DirectorGopi Knits

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